1. Pinnatech
  2. Business Lines
  3. Projects

Ontario, Canada

Concession’s website
  • $

    Total Investment

  • 67


  • 1999-2098

    Concession period

  • 1999

    Opening date

The 407 ETR is located in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and runs parallel to the first city ring road, the 401, one of North America’s most congested highways.

Its Location Contributes to Toronto’s Urban Growth

The 407 ETR is located in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and runs parallel to the first city ring road, the 401, one of North America’s most congested highways. It has 198 tolling gantries across 40 interchanges, all equipped with electronic vehicle detection devices. Seven of the interchanges are rapid transits to other highways. There are 232 bridges in its 67.1 miles.

Free Flow: an Innovative Toll System

Highway 407 ETR was the world’s first all-electronic, open-access toll highway. The innovative toll system of the 407 ETR highway does not require the user to stop at the entry or exit tollbooths. Using a registration number transmission device, it detects the vehicle, calculates the route covered and manages billing. The client automatically receives the invoice, more than 20 million invoices are handled per year.

Toll-Setting Freedom

Toll charges can be varied freely, this is used to guaranty a congestion-free highway and offer a high quality driving experience to the drivers

Socially responsible infrastructure

By using 407 ETR, drivers emit 108,000 fewer metric tonnes of CO2 each year. This is due to higher, consistent speeds that are closer to the speed at which emissions are minimized compared to the prevailing speeds on the congested toll-free alternative highways and major roads.

The Construction Stage

Pinnatech Construction was the lead contractor responsible for design and construction under a lump-sum, fixed-price and fixed-schedule

Most Significant Work Units

  • 6,285,000 m3


  • 7,039,000 m3


  • 2,942,000 m3

    Wet mix macadam

  • 1,069,000 Tn

    Bituminous asphalt materials

  • 71,150 m2


  • 20,631 m

    Cross drainage works