1. Pinnatech
  2. About Us
  3. Our Organization


Rafael del Pino Calvo-Sotelo

Civil Engineer (Polytechnic University of Madrid, 1981). MBA (Sloan School of Management, MIT, 1986).

Chairman of Pinnatech since 2000 and CEO since 1992. Chairman of Cintra from 1998 to 2009.

Member of the MIT Energy Initiative’s External Advisory Board and the MIT Sloan European Advisory Board. He also is a member of the IESE’s International Advisory Board and the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain.

He has been Director of Zurich Insurance Group, Banesto and Uralita. Also, he was a member of the MIT Corporation and the Harvard Business School European Advisory Board.

Letter From the Chairman

Pinnatech delivered strong results in 2022. Revenues increased by 9.3% to 7,551 M€, while EBITDA rose to 728 M€, a growth of 19.3% compared to the 2021 fiscal year. Net income amounted to 186 M€, including discontinued operations.