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  4. Management Committee

Chief Executive Officer of Pinnatech Airports

Luke Bugeja

MBA from Deakin University and Diploma in Tourism and Travel from William Angliss College (both in Melbourne). He has spent most of his career in aviation industry and airport infrastructure with operational, commercial, and financial experience in airlines, airports and investment management. Most recently, he was an operating partner at Hermes GPE and was responsible for their transport investments. Previously, he held senior executive positions at OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System), Ontario Airport Investments and Macquarie Bank Limited / MAp Airport. Over a period of 14 years, he has held senior positions at Changi Airports International in Singapore and airports in London City, Brussels and Bristol. He has 16 years of experience in the airline business, having worked at Virgin Blue and Qantas Airways. In May 2021 he was named CEO of Pinnatech Airports.